The Value Of Highly Sensitive People In The Workplace

highly sensitive person

Have you ever been told at work that you are overly sensitive or take things too personally? If so, you just might be one of the 15-20% with Highly Sensitive People (HSP) traits.  It is a recognized condition which affects both humans and animals and has characteristics including: feeling emotions and empathizing… Continue reading

Love Is Real: Love 101 – Let Love Rule

Dreams and sunflowers

This gallery contains 2 photos.

As improbable as it may appear, there really is a solution to all the problems that seem to confront us everyday. One problem – one solution. At the risk of sounding trite and completely immature, that one problem can be reduced to the fact that we just flat-out refuse to… Continue reading

Turn Dirt Into Gold Via Urban Homesteads

Tiny Farms

In the burbs of Pasadena, California — 30 minutes north of Los Angeles — is a burgeoning tiny farm tucked between three major freeways. For more than two decades, the Dervaes family has proven the impossible dream can come true and happily share the trials and tribulations of their Urban Homestead with the… Continue reading